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Proficient Reading: 32%

Distinguished Reading: 12%

Proficient Math: 36%

Distinguished Math: 16%


Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP)

Alignment to Needs:

Results of the Phase Two needs assessment process should inform the development of the comprehensive school improvement plan.  List the identified priorities below to be addressed in order to build staff capacity and increase student achievement.


Priorities/Concerns from Needs Assessment for Schools

List two or three of the greatest areas of weakness identified in question #5 of the Needs Assessment for Schools that will be thoroughly addressed in the strategies and activities outlined in this template.


Based on the 21-22 and 22-23 school years we have shown no growth in our reading assessment. 58% of the students have reached proficiency on the KY Summative Assessment the last two years.  We would like to see that increase yearly.       


Our science score dropped by 11% (40%-29%).  


We have a high number of students scoring apprentice.   33% of students scored apprentice in math and reading. 65% scored apprentice on the separate academic indicators of Social Studies, Science, and Writing.  





Processes, Practices, or Conditions to be Addressed from Key Elements Template

List two or three of the processes, practices, or conditions identified on the School Key Elements Template that the school will focus its resources and efforts upon and thoroughly address in the strategies and activities outlined in this template.


The data is used for RTI and RTA programs. We use the data to find students that need extra support or may need to be pushed to reach their highest potential. On the weekly lesson plans, teachers use data to identify students that they are going to work with in RTI time.  We have increased the amount of time in 4th-5th grade classes to allow more time for RTI.  


JHC has school wide analysis and reflection tools that teachers complete after the MAP and CMA test. We have monthly PLC meetings that are used to analyze student data. We have a school wide data chart that has each student’s assessment results. This allows staff to monitor and identify trends throughout the year. After each CMA and MAP test, teachers fill out a data reflection sheet and item analysis to identify standards students are having trouble with as well as students that are falling behind or excelling.   


JHC teachers turn in lesson plans weekly. The lesson plans include “I Can” statements and the standards being taught.  Teachers are provided resources that are aligned to Kentucky Academic Standards and help with the instructional process. Our reading curriculum: Core Knowledge Language Arts is designed based on the Science of Reading. It provides deep content knowledge with research based foundational skills. Also, our phonics instruction UFLI, is a systematic and explicit phonics instruction with research based instructional methods. Our math curriculum, Reveal Math, is a researched based core math program that deepens conceptual understanding.        




Indicator Scores

List the overall scores of status and change for each indicator.





State Assessment Results in reading and mathematics



State Assessment Results in science, social studies and writing



English Learner Progress



Quality of School Climate and Safety



Postsecondary Readiness (high schools and districts only)



Graduation Rate (high schools and districts only)





1: State Assessment Results in Reading and Mathematics


Goal 1 (State your reading and math goal.): Joe Harrison Carter Elementary school will increase reading and math Indicator Score from 80.4 on 2022-2023 KSA to minimum of 88 on the 2025-2026 as measured by the state KSA assessment.  





Measure of Success

Progress Monitoring


Objective 1

Increase the number of students scoring proficient/distinguished on KSA reading from 58% in 2023 to 65% in 2024.

Remediation and Acceleration Programs based on student ability levels and progression of standards being taught.   

Literacy groups in Kindergarten and second grade.

Students’ achievement level on literacy assessment.

Literacy assessment in Fall, Winter and Spring.


Daily small group and RTI in K-5 reading classes.

Use Lexia and Reading Plus in all grades.

Students’ progress and achievement level on programs.

Benchmark assessments in programs-Fall, Winter, and Spring.  


Lexia and Reading Plus incentive programs.  

RTA Grant provides a Reading Intervention focused on UFLI and science of reading.

Students’ progress though UFLI. 

Performance on Core Phonics Survey  and literacy assessment. 

RTA Grant

Data Analysis

Data Analysis using: KSA, MAP, CMA, Lexia, Reading Plus, IXL, classroom formative assessments, Core Phonics Survey and weekly four questions. 

Data is used to determine RTI groups, individual student needs and lesson plans. 

Student achievement on assessments.


MAP- Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

CMA(common assessment)- Each 9 weeks

Lexia/Reading Plus-Daily

4 questions (formative assessment)- Weekly

Core Phonics Survey(K-2)- Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer


Objective 2

Increase the number of students scoring proficient/distinguished on KSA math from 52% in 2023 to 60% in 2024.

Remediation and Acceleration Programs based on student ability levels and progression of standards being taught.   

Use of IXL, Reveal Math and Get More Math to practice skills on stands as they are taught in the classroom or according to student progress. 

Student achievement on math assessments and advancement in the program.

Weekly formative and summative assessments, Reveal Math, Get More Math and IXL.


Daily small group and RTI in K-5 math classes

Data Analysis

Data Analysis using: KSA, MAP, CMA, Get More Math, IXL, Reveal Math classroom formative assessments, and weekly for questions. 

Data is used to determine RTI groups, individual student needs and lesson plans. 

Student achievement on assessments.

KSA- Yearly

MAP-Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

CMA-Each 9 weeks

Get More Math/Reveal Math/IXL-Daily

4 Question Assessment- Weekly

Formative Assessments- Daily







2: State Assessment Results in Science, Social Studies and Writing


Goal 2 (State your science, social studies, and writing goal.): Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School will increase Science, Social Studies and Writing Indicator Score from 72.8 on 2021-2022 KSA assessment to an Indicator Score of 76 on the 2024-2025 KSA assessment.  





Measure of Success

Progress Monitoring


Objective 1

Increase the number of students scoring proficient and/or distinguished in Science from 28% in 2023 to minimum of 50% in 2024.


Class 5 days per week, 50 minutes per class.  Science in Morning for 4th-5th grade.

Updated Schedule

Lesson Plans, Walkthroughs



No pullouts

Design and deliver targeted instruction

Mystery Science

Student Achievement on Assignments

Mystery Science Data


Data analysis using: KSA, CMA, 4 Questions Weekly Assessment, and Classroom Formative Assessments to determine RTI groups and Individual student needs. 

Student achievement on assessments

CMAs, 4 Questions, KSA, MAP


Objective 2

Increase the number of students scoring proficient and/or distinguished in Social Studies from 52% in 2023 to minimum of 60% in 2024.

Design and deliver targeted instruction

Teacher collaboration with district Social Studies teachers, Social Studies specific PD

Improved Lesson Plans and time management

Lesson Plans, Walkthroughs


Data analysis using: KSA, CMA, 4 Questions Weekly Assessment, and Classroom Formative Assessments to determine RTI groups and Individual student needs. 

Student achievement on assessments

CMAs, 4 Questions, KSA


Instructional Minutes/ Scheduling

Class 5 days per week, 50 minutes per class.  Social Studies in Morning for 4th-5th grade.

Updated Schedule

Lesson Plans, Walkthroughs


No pullouts

Objective 2

Increase the number of students scoring proficient and/or distinguished in Writing from 59% in 2023 to minimum of 65% in 2024.

Prioritize curriculum standards to focus instruction. Schedule Daily writing. 

Schedule revision to include school wide daily writing. 

Completed Schedule Class 5 days per week, 45 minutes per class.

Lesson Plans Walkthroughs



Collaboratively prioritize standards

Writing plan progress

Lesson Plans, KSA, Formative assessments

Design and deliver targeted instruction

Using prioritized standards, collaboratively develop lessons that break down the standards into small and manageable lessons

Improved Lesson Plans,  Students progression

Lesson Plans, KSA, Formative assessments






3: Achievement Gap

KRS 158.649 requires the school-based decision making (SBDM) council, or the principal if no council exists, to set the school's yearly targets for eliminating any achievement gap. The targets should be established with input from parents, faculty, and staff and submitted to the superintendent for consideration and the local board of education for adoption. In addition to being a statutory requirement, intentionally focusing on the achievement gaps that exist among a school’s underserved student populations is also a vital component of the continuous improvement process. Schools should use a variety of measures and analysis when conducting its review of its achievement gaps, including a review of the school’s climate and culture. Schools are not required to establish long term achievement gap goals; however, schools must establish yearly targets (objectives).





Measure of Success

Progress Monitoring


Objective 1

Decrease the Gap in all students scoring proficient and/or distinguished in Reading (58%) and Free/Reduced Lunch students (56%) from 2 points in 2023 to 0 points in 2024.

PLC Work, Targeted Intervention

Create individual learning plans for response to intervention for students performing in the Gap group.

Reduce of Gap points

RTI documentation


Daily and Weekly RTI using data from: KPREP, MAP, CMA, Lexia, Reading Plus, 4 Questions Weekly Assessment, and Classroom Formative Assessment to determine RTI groups and individual student need.

Student performance on assessments

KSA- Yearly

MAP-Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

CMA-Each 9 weeks

Reading Plus/IXL-Daily

4 Question Assessment- Weekly

Formative Assessments- Daily


Objective 2

Decrease the Gap in all students scoring proficient and/or distinguished in Math (52%) and Free/Reduced Lunch students (43%) from 9.0 points in 2023 to a maximum of 4.0 in 2024.

PLC Work, Targeted Intervention

Create individual learning plans for response to intervention for students performing in the Gap group.

Reduce of Gap points

RTI documentation


Daily and Weekly RTI using data from: KPREP, MAP, CMA, IXL, Edulastic, 4 Questions Weekly Assessment, and Classroom Formative Assessment to determine RTI groups and individual student need.

Student performance on assessments

KSA- Yearly

MAP-Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

CMA-Each 9 weeks

Get More Math/IXL-Daily

4 Question Assessment- Weekly

Formative Assessments- Daily





4: English Learner Progress


Goal 4 (State your English Learner goal.): Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School will increase each proficiency level sub scores on the 2023 ACCESS test for English Language Learners by one point within each language domain.  





Measure of Success

Progress Monitoring


Objective 1

Increase the amount of students scoring above the proficiency level for overall domain scores on ACCESS for ELL from 0% to 50% in 2024.

PLC work, ELL accommodations


Individualized learning plans for ELL students to focus on each language domain.


Set goals with ELL students for each individual language domain


Lexia English Program


Tier 2 Reading/Phonics Instructional Intervention

Assessment performance scores



ACCESS 2023 scores



Assessment performance scores

RTI Documentation




ACCESS scores




9 weeks assessment performance scores


Objective 2

Increase the amount of students scoring above the proficiency level in the Literacy domain sub score on ACCESS for ELL from 50% to 75% in 2024.

PLC work, ELL accommodations, LETRS Training, Heggerty

Individualized learning plans for ELL students to focus on Literacy Skills.


Incorporate Heggerty into daily lessons

Assessment performance scores


RTI Documentation








5: Quality of School Climate and Safety


Goal 5 (State your climate and safety goal.): Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School will increase our Quality of School Climate & Safety Status Indicator Score on the KSA assessment survey from 88.6 in 2021 to 92.0 on the 2024 KSA Assessment. 





Measure of Success

Progress Monitoring


Objective 1

Increase the Climate score on the KSA Quality of School Climate & Safety Survey from 90.7 2023 to 92.0 in 2024.

Relationship Building

Focus first two weeks of school on building relationships

Students’ attendance.   

Monthly positive parent contacts


Celebration of student and school success

Rewards for Behavior, Assessment Results, Progress on Lexia, Progress on Reading Plus, Progress on IXL, and attendance

Students motivated to give their best effort

Increase in students receiving rewards


Be consistent on discipline and school procedures

School handbook, school rules, classroom rules and procedure are gone over with staff and students. 

Students and staff understand and follow school procedures.

Discipline log, DOJO


Objective 2

Increase the Safety score on the KSA Quality of School Climate & Safety Survey from 86.1 2023 to 90.0 in 2024.

Educate students on safety procedures

Practice Emergency Procedures:

Lockdown, Evacuation, Fire, Tornado, Earthquake

Drill time decreases,  Students know roles for each situation

Regular scheduled drill success


SRO building relationships and talking with students about safety

Students feel comfortable with SRO

Weekly meeting with SRO


Educate students on respect, manners, coping skills  

Morning assemble discusses the books: Essential 55, bullies to buddies

A change in students’ behavior and conversations about how to treat others.

DOJO marks related to mistreating classmates. Office Discipline referrals. 
